A scientific illustration of a molecule structure. There is a biodiesel fuel molecule on the left with a yellow carbon backbone and blue hydrogen atoms.

Let’s face it: the world as we know it is on the brink of a climate crisis. It has never been more important for corporations to utilize more sustainable fuel sources. As commerce becomes increasingly tight-knit, with customers enjoying higher purchase power, many corporate firms have come under scrutiny for their inefficient modes of operation. Furthermore, the need for sustainability is now a global agenda, with emphasis placed on more conscious corporate strategies.

As numerous firms attempt to reduce their Greenhouse Gases (GHG), Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) renewable diesel has been touted as the most sustainable diesel on the market.

Comparing Various Biodiesel Fuels and Renewable Diesel

For many years, we have relied on fossil-based fuels. Since the introduction of climate change initiatives, many countries are now turning to bio-based fuels such as Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester (UCOME) and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME). However, these crop-derived oils are severely lacking on the sustainability end due to an abhorrent dependence on feedstock.

In a nutshell, both fuel types have a plethora of challenges, such as:

Biodiesel is Oxidative and Thermally Instable

Biodiesel is greatly affected by environmental factors like light, temperature, and storage conditions. This poses storage problems for UCOME and FAME. In addition, both fuels are easily oxidized, which means they could cause a flammable reaction when bonded with oxygen.

Biodiesel is Moisture Absorbent

UCOME and FAME absorb moisture easily, which could result in bigger problems. For example, because Asia’s climate is humid all year, vehicle operators may encounter problems when using biodiesel. Why? Because absorbed moisture leads to bacteria growth, which can cause a vehicle’s engine to break down.

Biodiesel Causes Gumming in Diesel Engine Components

The biodiesels UCOME and FAME have been reported to cause clogging or gumming in diesel engine components. If left unchecked, these clogs may cause severe technical problems for vehicle owners. There are several reports of biodiesel clogging accessible on the internet.

Due to these shortcomings, UCOME and FAME are not recommended for large-scale corporate use. That being said, biodiesel requires regular mixing with fossil-based diesel for safe use. This leads to biodiesel variants such as B7, B10, B15, and B20 biodiesel. Today, B7 and B10 are the most concentrated biodiesels available, with B7 meaning 7% bio content.

On the bright side, Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Renewable Diesel poses none of these challenges.

Comparing the Various Concentrations of HVO

HVO10 (commonly known as R10)

HVO10 (10% HVO) is a blend of 10% HVO and 90% fossil diesel. While it has a lower concentration of HVO compared to HVO20 and HVO100, it still provides significant benefits in terms of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a drop-in fuel, HVO10 can be used immediately in existing diesel engines without requiring modifications. It helps reduce local “tailpipe” emissions, which is beneficial for air quality and can keep filters and injectors cleaner for longer. However, the reduction in GHG emissions is less compared to HVO20 and HVO100, at around 6% to 7% reduction over the fuel’s life cycle.

HVO20 (commonly known as R20)

HVO20 (20% HVO) is a blend of 20% HVO and 80% fossil diesel. It offers a greater reduction in GHG emissions compared to HVO10, at around 13% to 14% reduction over the fuel’s life cycle. HVO20 is also a drop-in fuel and can be used immediately in existing diesel engines without requiring modifications. It provides similar benefits as HVO10, such as reducing local emissions and keeping filters and injectors cleaner for longer. HVO20 can be a good choice for customers who want to reduce their carbon footprint without completely switching to HVO100.

HVO100 (commonly known as R100 – includes all HVO concentrations from R30 to R100)

HVO100 (100% HVO) is HVO in its purest form and is also known as renewable diesel or “green diesel”. Unlike other biodiesel fuels, HVO is synthesized from the renewable and sustainably sourced feedstock. This makes it fossil-free and FAME-free and a cleaner option for diesel engines. It provides the greatest benefits in terms of reducing GHG emissions. HVO100 is also a drop-in fuel and can be used immediately in existing diesel engines without requiring modifications. Most importantly, 100% HVO reduces GHG emissions much faster than R10, R20, or any other HVO concentrations.

100% Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO100) Renewable Diesel is the Preferred Choice

HVO Renewable Diesel cuts net CO2 emissions by up to 90%. With HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste, GHG emissions can be reduced by up to 90% over the fuel’s life cycle compared to fossil diesel. This is because HVO is produced in the refinery using waste and leftover raw materials such as used cooking oil (UCO). The feedstock is cleaned of impurities and then hydrotreated, i.e., treated with hydrogen gas (called hydrogenation) to make HVO. This makes it an excellent choice for companies and individuals who want to make a significant impact on reducing their carbon footprint.

Interion helps Singaporean firms reduce up to 90% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by using renewable diesel from Neste

HVO is a clean-burning fuel that produces fewer emissions (carbon dioxide) when it is burned. When compared with regular diesel and biofuels like UCOME and FAME, HVO is an environmentally friendly fuel that is healthier for diesel engines in cars, vans, trucks, buses, etc., and diesel generators.

Benefits of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)

Not only is HVO fuel approved by diesel engine makers all around the world, but there are many benefits to using this newer type of diesel. Here are some reasons to use HVO for your diesel engines:

1. Low Emissions: HVO lowers net CO2 by up to 90%. Users of HVO have also reported lower emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and carbon monoxide (CO).

2. Engine Compatibility: Because HVO is compatible with most fuel infrastructures, it is a direct replacement for diesel.

3. Clean Fuel: HVO is fossil-free, FAME-free, and free from sulphur, metals, and pungent aromatics.

4. Globally Approved: Many OEMs endorse the use of HVO for fuelling components.

5. Durability: HVO has a shelf life comparable to or better than fossil-based diesel

6. All-Year Performance: HVO provides zero risk of gelling, clogging, or gumming diesel engines, even at low temperatures.

7. Sustainable: HVO fuels are certified as sustainable by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC).

Neste Offers HVO Renewable Diesel that is non-oxidative and as stable as fossil-based diesel.

Many users of HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste attest to improved equipment and vehicle performance. Similarly, many engine makers have endorsed HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste as a viable and like-for-like replacement for fossil-based diesel. Unlike biodiesel, HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste does not need to be mixed with fossil-based fuel before use. It can be used 100% in various types of vehicles and engines such as trucks, vans, generators, and trains, just to name a few.

Help the Earth and reach your GHG reduction targets sooner!

As aforementioned, HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste can reduce up to 90% of GHG emissions. HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste is a refinery-grade fuel, high-quality HVO fuel. It is in high demand. Contact Us to allow us to help you with your green journey to significantly reduce your firm’s GHG emission.

What’s more, Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Renewable Diesel is now available in Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.), as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste is also available in:

  • 200 litre Drum, 1000 litre IBC Tote Tank
  • 24000-litre ISO Tank
  • Vessel Load
  • Direct Vessel Bunkering

FAQs About HVO Renewable Diesel

Can I use HVO at 100% capacity in diesel vehicles (buses, trucks, vans, and cars), diesel generators, and boilers?

Yes, HVO Renewable Diesel (from Neste) is a proven alternative to fossil-based diesel, as it meets EN 590 diesel fuel specifications. You don’t have to dilute HVO or mix it with fossil-based diesel; you can use it in any diesel equipment or vehicle.

HVO Renewable Diesel is colourless/transparent. Regular Diesel is yellow or greenish-yellow. Does this make HVO inferior?

No, Fossil-based diesel is yellow or greenish-yellow simply because of its sulphuric content. In some countries, dye is added to fuels to help consumers distinguish between types. Therefore, color is not an accurate indicator of diesel quality. Although colorless, HVO Renewable Diesel (from Neste) meets EN590 standards and is comparable to regular diesel.

By switching to HVO Renewable Diesel, can my firm really reduce up to 90% of the GHG emissions from our diesel consumption?

Yes. Many firms and companies in Europe and the US have successfully reduced diesel GHG emissions by up to 90% by switching to HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste. Contact us today, and we’ll show you how to achieve these sustainability targets.

I’m an institutional researcher; can I obtain some HVO Renewable Diesel for research purposes?

Yes, we can provide you with HVO renewable diesel samples for your research. We are more than happy to assist you with spreading the word about Neste’s HVO renewable diesel.

Why is HVO Fuel Becoming so Popular?

HVO is replacing regular biodiesel because it removes all the oxygen from the fuel through a process called hydrogenation. This makes HVO last much longer in a diesel tank than any other biodiesel or FAME-blended diesel.

How much does HVO Fuel Cost?

Neste is the top global producer of high quality HVO Renewable Diesel. The shear economic of scale allow HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste to be more resistant to fluctuation in raw material cost. HVO Renewable Diesel is considered to be a fuel so it’s also subjected to fluctuation of global fuel prices. Contact us to learn the current price of HVO Renewable Diesel from Neste delivery, simply contact us for our HVO price today!